Adam M. Silvia (Florida International University)
Matthew J. Smith (University of the West Indies, Mona)
Marie-Agnès Sourieau (Fairfield University)
Hadassah St. Hubert (University of Miami)
Alex Stepick (Portland State University)
Chelsea Stieber (New York University)
Robert Taber (University of Florida)
Richard Turits (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor)
Juan Camilo Vera (University of Miami)
Chantalle F. Verna (Florida International University)
Grete Viddal (Harvard University)
Amy Wilentz (University of California, Irvine)
Ashli White (University of Miami)
Erin Zavits (University of Florida)
Mission • |
Contributors • |
Funders • |
Press • |
The Island Luminous Editorial Board (gray tab) would like to thank everyone who took part in what was truly a grand konbit to build An Island Luminous.
We would like to thank the libraries and archives that have digitized material and made it available within Digital Library of the Caribbean and An Island Luminous. To all our friends at the Archives Nationales d’Haiti, the Bibliothèque Haïtienne de St-Louis de Gonzague, the Bibliothèque Haïtienne des Pères du St-Esprit, the Bibliothèque Nationale d’Haïti, the University of Florida, the University of Central Florida, the University of South Florida, Brown University’s John Carter Brown Library, the United Nations, and the National Archives in the United Kingdom, thank you!
We would also like to thank the one-hundred-and-seven (107!) authors (red tabs) who took the time to write about the books, manuscripts, and photos provided by our partner institutions. |